Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Random Acts

Hey guys! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with laughter, family, love, and of course.. good food! :)

I know we haven't posted in quite a long time but it's because there was nothing that stood out to me in my life that I felt the need to share. My life's kind of boring as a college student :/ 
But today I felt something that I think I'm being pushed to write about. We were pulling into the parking lot of Hobby Lobby when I saw a man standing on the corner with a sign that read "we all need a little help sometimes." I was instantly saddened by this because it was so incredibly true. Every single person on this earth has been helped by someone else in one way shape or form. Whether it be a car ride somewhere, you donated money to someone or a charity, maybe you just helped someone move a heavy box they couldn't carry. Whatever it was you have helped and have been helped by someone. These people just need a little more help then those other people.

While we were inside Hobby Lobby I just kept thinking about that man and all the things I could do to help him. I didn't have any cash on me but I thought about buying him a coffee to help stay warm or even buying some McDonalds hamburgers so he would have something to eat tonight. When we left I had to drive right by him and you know what.. I couldn't look him in the eyes because I knew I was a bad person for not helping and I couldn't bare to see that. I told Ross that the next homeless/person in need that we saw we were going to help them.

Well guess what.. on our way home I saw a man in ratty clothing sitting on the side of the road underneath a tree. He was putting twigs into a plastic bag (I'm not sure why but I probably don't want to know). There's my chance I thought, here's where I can really stand up and help someone. Nope.. I guess not. Guess what I did? I kept on driving..

I'm sure you will all read this and think wow, she even told herself that the next time she saw someone she would help them and she couldn't even do that? 

I feel so terrible and so angry with myself for not helping either of those men today. That's not the way I want to live my life. Even if someone isn't homeless or needing anything I still want to give back to people and help them in anyway that I can. 
So that's why I've decided to start doing random acts of kindness. I don't know how long it will last because I'm not putting a time limit on it. Hopefully I will continue to do this for the rest of my life and it will become like a lifestyle. A lifestyle of giving and helping others in need.

I want this to be the place where I hold myself accountable for those acts. I need your help readers. I not only want you to help me stay on track but I encourage you all to join on this journey with me. That coffee you bought before work? Just add another one to the order. Those $1 sandwiches you get at McDonalds? Throw a couple more in and use the change you have laying on the floorboards. Have old blankets/comforters you don't use anymore? Just hand them out to people, it will keep someone warm and they will get use out of it instead of it sitting in your linen closet collecting dust.

I know there are many of you who have helped someone that you saw on the street but there are many of us who are just to afraid to take that step and just do it. We can not be afraid any longer. These people are opening up to us and telling us that they need help. We can't fix the world right away but what better way to start then in your own hometown. 


Monday, October 28, 2013

5 Things They Don't Tell You About College

5:College Life Rarely Consists of Parties
          We've all seen it in movies, the protagonist gets to uni and immediately becomes a social butterfly. Something that they never tell you about however is that very little of your time is spent at parties. I won't lie and say that they don't happen but unlike the movies people do have to make time for their studies or they won't be at uni to party next semester. Unless you attend other un named University's of Iowa ;)

4:The Food on Campus is Surprisingly Good
          One thing that people seem to neglect to mention is that the food at most colleges is actually really good. A surprising amount of people come to college expecting the same garbage you are fed throughout grade school but that is just not the case. Colleges understand that people who are attending school are away from home and can't just get fast food. Most universities try and make the food as delicious as they can.They succeed in most cases.

3:High school Experience is Nothing Like College

          Throughout high school your teachers tell you that they are preparing you for college. They are lying through their teeth and they know it. In reality when you leave high school you are about as prepared for college as a third grader is to tackle calculus. In schools now a days you can slide by with very little effort and do very very well, trust me I did it. The problem with that is that when you get to college you don't know what to expect. This not knowing can really harm your performance in your courses.

2:Time Management is Everything

          They will tell you that you need to know this and you need to know that, but don't listen to them. Everything you need to know they will teach you in college. What you really need to know is how to balance your time between activities. The thing that kills most students is being unable to divide their time up between all of their work. You have to be able to give your work time, and also make time for fun and other things. This is something I've had to learn through trial and error, mostly error.

          You may hear that college is difficult but it's not. It is god damn torture. Colleges exist to train you for an occupation apparently no one told them however that not all jobs are rocket science. The difficulty level between high school and college or even a community college and a university is ludicrous. I was so unprepared for the difficulty gap that I'm lucky to even still be here. Even right now I'm thinking about how to pass my next test. Iowa State university has a graduation rate in the sixty percent range because of the level of their classes. If I could re do high school I would tell the school just where they could put their diploma because it has done me no legitimate good.



Monday, October 21, 2013

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22

Happy Monday! Welcome back from the weekend!

I hope you all had an amazing weekend because I know I did. I turned 22 yesterday and I had such a great time with my family and friends, I am so blessed! Today's post is going to be just relaxed and casual, not really talking about anything specific except for my fun filled weekend :)

Me & Ross drove down home Friday afternoon and spent the whole night at his parents house. We were going to go to the football game but it was so cold that night that we didn't want to leave the comfort of the nice warm house. Ross' friends came over and we hung out until around 5 and then decided that we had a big day ahead of us so we better get some sleep!

That morning we woke up around noon and headed to my house. I knew I wanted to curl my hair so I had to start early! It takes me FOREVER to curl my hair, it's so thick and there are too many layers! 
I finally finished doing my hair and since we still had about 1 1/2 left before we had to leave I went to the barn and helped feed my grandparent's 3 baby calves, I just can't get enough of those cuties! I'm suppose to be naming the biggest one but I can't seem to think of a name for him, any suggestions?

It was finally time to go to Courtside, a bar and grill in town! I had a fantastic time there with my loved ones. I also had one of the best prime ribs I've ever had and excellent mashed potatoes to go along with it. We ate, drank, played shuffleboard, and just had one heck of a good time. After a couple hours of hanging out we decided to head back home and continue the party there. 

Me & my sister!

My love <3

My little cousin Parker!

My grandpa, he looked so thrilled to be having his picture taken!

My other cousin Cooper! 

Some of my most favorite boys! <3

You gotta be sill every now and then!

When we got back to my parents house we started a bon fire to stay warm. We also drank pumpkin pie-tinis which are absolutely amazing! We found the recipe in a "Hungry Girl" drink book. A few of my friends came out to the bon fire to help me ring in my actual birthday. We sat around the fire and laughed until we couldn't breathe!

I actually share my birthday with some pretty amazing people. This guy above happens to be one of them. We met when I worked at Hy-Vee in 2007 and even though we've been through some really hard times in out friendship we've managed to always stay friends and he's been there for me even when everyone else walked out, I don't know where I'd be without him. I also share my birthday with two lovely ladies that I graduated high school with. January must have been a busy month for people around my town! ;)

This is Bryer - isn't he the cutest thing ever! :)

Around 3 o'clock we were all getting tired so we decided to call it a night. I was plum tuckered out!

My mom made us a ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, scalloped corn, and rolls before we headed back to Ames. It was delicious! We let that settle for a while while we packed our things got the car packed. My mom got my a personal cupcake decorate like a flower and also bought a sea salt and caramel cheesecake as well as a pumpkin cheesecake. I blew out my one little candle, they sang happy birthday, we stuffed ourselves to the point of no return, and me and Ross headed North. 

I love going down home, it's so wonderful seeing all my friends and family again. However; Ames is where we call home now and it's always nice to come home and be able to sit and relax, and sleep in your own bed.

Today I did go out for supper with my roommate and her boyfriend and then my other friend. We ate at Old Chicago and let me tell you, I've never had better pasta then when we eat there. If you've never been to one you're seriously missing out! 

Thank you to anyone reading this that helped me celebrate my birthday. It was such a fun time and I love you all.

Until next year..
xoxo -Kristen

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

It's Not Always Rainbows & Butterflies

Hey guys, guess what day it is? HUMP DAY!! Woo Woo!

One thing Ross and I hear from a lot of our friends is that we have the "perfect" relationship and they want to have one like ours. Well I'm here to tell you that our relationship is far from perfect. We argue, bicker, and get annoyed with each other, but in the end we forgive and move on. So if that's your definition of perfection then yes, we are perfect!

I'm going to give some advice and information about relationships that I have learned through the 4 years of being with him. Now, I know not all relationships are the same and their is an exception to every rule, but these are just basic things I've learned and I hope it helps you or someone you know through anything they may be struggling with. 

1. You have to forgive & move on
I know this sounds like the hardest thing in the world to do sometimes, trust me, I've been in this situation, but you have to forgive them no matter how hard it may be. If you believe that what they did was too horrible to continue being with them then that's fine but there still has to be forgiveness. It may take you a week or it may take you a year but it still needs to be done. If you decide to break up after what happened and you don't forgive them they will always have that over you. Every time you see them you will instantly become angry or upset with them and they shouldn't have that type of control over you. Once you forgive them you can finally let go of them and the situation. That way when you happen to bump into them on the street you can smile, say hi, ask how they are, and move on with your life. If you decide you want to stay with that person then it's a must have to forgive them or your relationship will never be healthy or happy. You will always have what they did to you in the back of your mind and you can't have a healthy relationship while you're being bitter towards them. You may be able to hide it for awhile but I can guarantee that the first time you have an big argument what they did will be one of the first things to come out of your mouth. Which leads me to my next point.

2. Don't dwell on things that happened in the past
This is one of the biggest problems I have in our relationship. I hold onto things that happened a long time ago and I always bring them up while arguing which is NOT the thing to do. If you have something in your mind that you can't seem to stop thinking about than you need to sit down with your significant other and explain to them what's going on. There may just need to be more open communication between the both of you or maybe you just didn't get all your questions answered about what really happened. Regardless, you need to get those answers and not bring it up ever again. It's not fair to your partner when you bring up their past mistakes while you're arguing about present day things.

3. The first year makes it seem easy
I have noticed through most relationships, including ours, that the first year is a piece of cake. It's all lovey dovey with a cherry on top. This is the puppy love stage. Please do not be fooled into thinking that this stage continues on through the following years. Yes, there are times when those romantic puppy love type of things happen after the first year has came and gone but it's nothing like it was during that year. We use to talk on the phone for hours, we would even message each other on Facebook all the time because it seemed quicker then texting. He use to write sweet status updates about me in Latin, obviously I couldn't read them, but it was still sweet to know he took the time to do that. Do I miss those things? Of course. Am I still in love with him even though those things don't happen anymore? YES! Once you pass that year mark is when reality starts to set in. You will most likely have your first big fight right around this time, at least for us it happened this way. It's not always a bad thing though that you move away from the puppy love stage, it just means your relationship is maturing and growing. You're moving onto more serious types of things and you can really start to see who and what your significant other is like.

4. Love is a verb
I read an article once called "I Didn't Love My Wife When We Got Married". If you'd like to read it, click here. It is one of the best articles about love that I have ever read. It's about a man who thought he fell head over heels in love with his soon to be wife, but after marrying her he realized that what he felt was going away. He wasn't feeling that spark anymore. He thought that he had to be feeling something to know he was in love, he thought love was an emotion. He started doing things around the house, just small things like doing the dishes or making dinner, and suddenly he started to seeing the look of true love that she would give him when he did those things. Love is about putting someone else's needs above your own. I never really noticed it before reading this article but once I read it I started noticing the same feelings that he started feeling. When Ross makes me tea when I'm not feeling well, not because I asked him but because he just wanted to help me. That's true love. Think about it, when the person you love just does things for you or for the good of the relationship because they want too, not because you asked them too. Doesn't that make you fall even more in love with them? One of my favorite lines in the article is at the very end when he says, "living Disney movies in our minds, and tragedies in our lives."

5. Allow for girl/guy time
So, this is a hard one for me. I hate to admit it but I use to hate being away from Ross for more then just class time. When we first started dating I was obsessed, which is NOT a good thing. Trust me, we had a lot of problems because of it. To be honest I am still this way to an extent but definitely not as bad as at first. Now that we are in Ames and I've found some friends that I can go out and spend time with I think it's actually made out relationship stronger. Ladies, let your man have his friends over to play a night of Call of Duty. While he had his friends over you get out of the house and go get coffee with a group of your friends. Guys, let her go out for her friend's birthday party. While she's out how about going to the bar & grill and shooting some pool and playing darts with your friends. I promise you that if you allow them to do things with their friends they are less likely to resent you in the future and the time you do spend together will be that much more special.

6. Acceptance
The last little piece of advice I'm going to give you is to except the other person as they are. Everyone is going to have their little quirks and annoyances about them but we have to learn to either deal with them and move on or decide it's too much for us and leave. I know that I can be too hard on Ross sometimes when it comes to little things he does. Like, chewing on plastic straws! Errgg..I hate it so much when he finished his drink and starts chewing on the straw. If I don't stop him he eventually has the whole thing in his mouth. I tell him it's not good on his gums or teeth, he doesn't seem to care. I know I shouldn't bug him about it all the time because he hates it, but I think I care too much sometimes. We have to just let them be themselves and do things they want. Let them express their emotions, as long as they are healthy, in their own way. I would rather just keep talking about it and he would rather not talk and just let time take away the anger. I feel that some people can push their partners too far into doing what they want to do and in the way they want to do it. For one, that's not healthy, and for two, our partners are going to resent us one day for pushing them to do something they don't want to do.

I hope the rest of your hump day runs smoother then a camels back ;)

xoxo -Kristen

Monday, October 14, 2013


Happy Monday!!
I would just like to take a minute and say how happy I am that I gave in to peer pressure and started watching this show. I've always loved zombie movies/shows and after watching this my love has grown exponentially! If you've ever seen this show before you are definitely missing out. I heard from a few people that it wasn't very good but I decided to see for myself and you should too. Everyone has their own opinions on things so just because someone else hated it doesn't mean you will too, however; that also means that just because I love it doesn't mean you will. Guess you'll just have to find out for yourself. Ross even hated the idea of watching the show because he thought it would be stupid but once I started watching them I think he became a Walking Dead lover. He's always very into the show and he actually likes some of the characters and keeps saying he doesn't want them to die. "Shhh.. don't let him know I told. It'll be out little secret ;)"

Holy goodness! Can we just sit here for a second and admire how amazing this man is? ........................
Ok, back to writing! Daryl has got to be my favorite character on the show, not to mention almost everyone else's favorite as well it seems like. I would love to be a zombie extra on the show and have Daryl be the one to kill me off. You know how amazing it would be to tell people that I was killed with Daryl Dixon's arrows of love err.. I mean terror ;)

Last night was the Season 4 premiere and it definitely set the stage for some crazy things to happen in upcoming episodes. I don't want to go to much into detail about it because some of you may not have seen it yet, but when you do I'm sure you'll fall more in love with Daryl, darn it, I mean, "The Walking Dead", then you already were!

What are your thoughts on the new season or the show in general? What do you think is going to happen or would you like to see happen? If you're not a Walking Dead fan what are some other shows you like? We are looking for something new to watch in between episodes! ;)

xoxo -Kristen

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Couple's Nature Day

So the lady and me decided to go to Ledges State park on Saturday. We have went almost every weekend for the last 5 weeks so it's not really a big surprise. The weather this week however has been more seasonal which means that the leaves have started to actually change.

Not bad right? You mix the beauty of the trees with perfect weather and some free time with your number one gal and it's a pretty good day. One of the best things about Ledges is that it has a lot of walking trails that are well kept and easy to walk on. However the trails also have the park planners attempts at steps.

These accidents waiting to happen slope downhill! Who's idea was it to put in steps that have no actual benefit except to add a little bit of pleasing aesthetics? If you can get past the step problem though it's a really nice place to go and spend an afternoon exploring. 

The leaves made a perfect background to some couples pictures. Also, this picture should be considered impressive because she used one hand to hold up her Rebel (camera) and still got it this clear. There is no place I would rather spend a day than right there next to her.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Long Time No Read..

Happy (Early) Saturday Morning Faithful Readers! 
I just wanted to take a moment and say I'm sorry for not writing for many many months. I'm not really sure what came over me but one day I just decided that blogging wasn't for me. I became very bored with it and just didn't want to continue on. However; over the past few weeks I have been logging back in and looking around at things. I realized that I really do miss writing to you guys and being able to share my experiences with people. So today I finally took the initiative to update everything on this blog and start fresh, I hope you guys don't mind. 

There's a blog I read religiously called Young House Love. If you've never read it before I encourage you to check it out, it's amazing. It's about a couple that mainly talks about the makeovers and projects they do in their house. Everything they do is so creative and handy. I hope one day when I own a house I will be able to do everything they can do. Back to the point of this, I really like how they have not only the wife running the blog but the husband as well. I thoroughly enjoy a blog that couples can share because I feel like it gives the reader a bigger array of things to read. That's why I decided to rework this blog and make it into a couples lifestyle blog. Does that mean I'll stop blogging about beauty supplies? No, of course not. It just means that there will be a lot more "manly" type posts as well as more relationship types of posts such as advice.

Thank you all again for coming back to me and deciding that I was worthy of your time. I hope you enjoy the brand new updated blog! Please feel free to comment below and let me know what you are expecting from us. Ross is new to the whole blogging thing so let him know what types of things you'd like to read from him.

xoxo --Kristen

Friday, March 8, 2013

Thursday Finds & Car Trouble, Oh My!

Yay!! It's finally the weekend..Woot Woot! :)
I hope you all had a great week and now we can all relax and enjoy the weekend!

I had two $10 off coupons for Kohls since there was a brand new one that just opened up in the town where I"m going to school. Me and Ross decided to go check it out yesterday and use the coupons since you could use them on anything in the store, EVEN CLEARANCE ITEMS!! I knew what I wanted right when I walked in the store..a new purse! I loved the one I had but it was just too small so I decided it was time for a new one. I wanted one that was still the cross body type but just bigger. 

I decided to go with this one because I loved the floral patterns on it and with Spring coming up I figured it would be a cute accessory for the season. It also has 4 really nice sized pockets. The main one with the zipper you can see on the top, the smaller one with the zipper on the bottom, a zipper, that you can't really see that well, between the top and bottom pockets that is like an arched one, know what I mean? Like..the bottom pocket with the zipper is actually on the front of a bigger pocket. Then there is a huge pocket that buttons on the back of the purse! It was originally $54 but was on sale for $38 plus I had the $10 off coupon which made it $28, not bad..not bad at all :)

Since I had a second $10 off coupon I let Ross use it, only one per customer..boo!! He really wanted a new wallet since his old one was getting kinda dingy looking and he wanted one that had a picture pocket on the outside of the actual wallet. This is the one he went with..

It's a Dockers wallet, oh wait..I was just informed by Ross that it's technically a billfold not a wallet since there is only fold instead of a tri-fold..I didn't know there was a difference :/
He also still needed to buy me a Valentine's Day gift, I know I know..very late, but we like to wait until we have that extra money to buy the gift. Since he knew I've been wanting a coffee maker because I have coffee but nothing to make it with he decided to buy me one, how sweet is he? :)

It's actually a pretty nice one and I'm very very excited about it, he did a great job! I haven't used it yet but I will definitely be using it soon. The wallet was originally $26 but on sale for $18.20 and the coffee maker was originally $39.99 but on sale for $19.99 and with the $10 off coupon he got both for $30!! Woah!

We were going to go to Hy-Vee tonight and buy some more coffee, a kind that he would like, and when we got to his car nothing would work!! The lights wouldn't turn on, the car wouldn't even turn over so we figured we needed to have it jumped. We had someone come (try) to help us and his battery in his car is in such a weird place that we couldn't get the negative side connected so we had to just hook it to something metal instead since we got the positive side to connect..yeah..it still didn't do anything for the car. So..we're going to try and get it out tomorrow, god help us, and take it to get it checked. It was just really weird that it just stopped working, and you're probably thinking "well you probably left a light on dummy." Well..we didn't actually. We make 100% sure we turn off all the lights, there was no dinging noise when we got out of the car last night telling us we left something on, and when we got into the car tonight to go I pushed the lights button in to turn them on and they pushed in..so I know for sure they weren't on or if when I pushed the light on/off button it would have popped out instead of in. It just seems really weird. Maybe we just weren't suppose to go anywhere tonight..a sign maybe?

So that's how exciting my past two days have been..fun huh? he he! Hope you all have an amazing weekend and please keep watching for my next post and keep following along with me. Also, I love reading comments from you guys so if you have any questions, comments, or anything please ask/tell..I love connecting with my readers!! :)

xoxo -kc

P.S. I can't believe I almost forgot to show you my favorite buy of my Thursday finds...
That's right..a Milky Way! :)
I know I'm suppose to be eating healthier but technically I'm not starting my "food journal/diary" on here until Monday, so I figured it was ok!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

February Favorites

Happy hump day everybody! I hope the first part of your week was great but I hope the second part of your week is even greater! :)

So the picture above really has nothing to do with my February favorites but it's one of my favorite pictures ever! My sweet cousin Lily just moments after she came into this world was holding onto my grandma's finger, so precious! I just wanted to post this picture to hopefully brighten some of your guy's days! 

So I was unsure of what to post today because I'm kind of been having writer's block recently but I've noticed a lot of people putting up their February favorites videos but since I don't do videos I figured I'd just write a blog post about my favorites. I will try and remember where I got everything and will put a link to where you can find it at. I hope you all enjoy! :)

 First favorite thing from February this Paris Amour body spray from Bath and Body Works. It is absolutely amazing! I normally use Incredible by Victoria's Secret and that is still my favorite overall but this month I was in love with the perfume. I put it on and imagine that I'm strolling down the streets of Paris walking by all the cute little cafes and bistros. Someday I will go to Paris and I will wear this perfume :)

So this next favorite has been a favorite of mine for quite a while now but I figured since I hadn't put any other favorite posts up I would put it in this one. It is the Secret natural mineral deodorant in the fragrance "Eucalyptus Blossom." I love it because it's so flowery and is perfect for the Spring or Summer time. I get mine at Wal-Mart or Target but I'm sure it's sold pretty much everywhere.

Unless you know what this is then it probably looks very strange to you, ha ha! It is a head massager and it works absolute wonders. I bought this at Target for $3 but it was totally worth it. When you first start using it it feels very ticklish on your scalp and it gave me goosebumps right away. After awhile though you get use to it and it's just the most amazing thing you've ever put on your head :)

 It's Girl Scout cookie time and I am addicted to these things! Not only the thin mint kind but pretty much every other kind as well ;) There was a couple girls at the mall selling these and I just had to buy some. I bought 1 box of thin mints, 1 box of Tagalongs (the peanut butter kind), and 1 box of Samoas (the coconut caramel kind.) These three are my favorite of all but I do like the rest of them as well. If you've never had a Girl Scout cookie you are missing out!!

 This juice is absolutely amazing, it's so refreshing and it has 100% of your daily Vitamin C, which is awesome! I originally bought this to add to those frozen smoothie things you buy in the freezer section of the grocery store but I tried it by itself and I am now hooked. Ross got me glass the other night and I had forgotten what kind it actually was so when I tasted it I said, "mmm, this tastes like Orange juice, peaches, and mango." Ross said "well probably because that's what kind it is." Ha ha, Oh..oops! It really did taste like each one of those flavors, it did however have a pineapple taste in there as well but I'm completely ok with that! :)

These things are now my non-guilty pleasure. For one they taste exactly like Raspberry Cheesecake and for anyone that knows my Raspberry is my absolute favorite flavor, and for two it's only 90 calories a bar! You can not beat that! I buy mine at Wal-Mart but again you could probably find these pretty much anywhere food is sold.

Oh goodness..this last one is such a good and bad thing at the same time for me! I have been in love with and addicted to Starbucks since I go to college in January. The building inside out apartment neighborhood area has like a fitness area, a marketplace, computer lab, etc., but the marketplace sells Starbucks! I almost died when I found that out :) Plus there is a drive-thru Starbucks not even 5 minutes away, a Starbucks in the Hy-Vee that is also 5 minutes away, and the other places to eat on campus sell it as well. I'm in heaven here :) So my favorite drink to get is the Chai Tea Latte but recently I've been getting the Salted Caramel Mocha and it's sooooo yummy! If you don't like a lot of salt you probably wouldn't like it because you really can taste the salt that is in it, but I love salt so it's perfect for me!!

So there you have it, my February favorites. Please comment and let me know if you liked the post and if I should keep doing the monthly favorites, I love hearing from all of you! 

xoxo -kc

Monday, March 4, 2013

What's on my Ipod?

I've noticed on other blogs and even YouTube videos that people really enjoy the room tour videos, the "what's in my bag" videos, and I've even saw "what's on my Iphone videos. I've always liked watching/reading about these types of things and seeing how other people organize their rooms, closets, phones, etc. and maybe getting some ideas from them. Since I don't have an Iphone I will be showing you guys what's on my Ipod, I hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoy reading/watching these types of things.

 This is the first page, I was updating some things under my "photography" and "eateries" categories when I took the picture, ha ha! I use all of these things a lot, especially the bottom four.

 This is the second page, I use most of these all the time but not as much as the ones on the first page. That Cyride app is great because it tells all the schedules for and routes for the buses that go around the campus of the school I attend. You should check to see if your school has any apps for things like that, they are wonderful.

This third page is where I have all of my games. I left the top four games out of the grouped ones because these are the ones that I play the most. As you can tell I have a lot of catching up to do on my SongPop game, ha ha! My background photo is a picture of me and Ross I took the first weekend we were here at college.

 These are the apps I have in the group "utilities" on my main page. I really only use the bottom two rows and the calculator. All the others are just on there because I can't delete them!

 This is my second "utilities" grouping and I only use the bottom row, most of the time. I could probably delete the quick drafts and Evernote, just haven't gotten around to it, ha ha!

 These are the apps in my "music" grouping. I love all of these apps, especially Shazam. If you don't know what it is you are missing out. You use it to figure out names or artists of songs that you just aren't sure of. Say you hear a song on the radio that you really want to know that name of, all you do is open Shazam and hit the Shazam button, it will listen to whatever is playing for a few seconds and the results will automatically pop up. You can also save your past searches so you can go back and look through the songs you searched for.

These are my "photography" apps. I don't use any of these religiously. I only use them when I decide to be a little more creative with my pictures. Face Bomb is one of my favorite photo apps. You pick a picture that has more then one person in it and you can pick which face you want to swap out with the others. I've done it with a picture of my family before and gave everyone in the picture the face of my grandma, it was hilarious!

These are my "eateries" apps. The Starbucks app isn't really that great, you can't do anything except keep track of your Starbucks rewards but since I don't have that it's pretty much a useless app. Me and Ross love ordering pizza so the Papa Johns and Domino's apps are very handy when we want to order in. The other two apps just have places around where I live that deliver food and you can pick which restaurant you want and order right from there.

The two picture above are the "games" categories. The top picture has the games that I play more then the ones on the bottom, but like I said earlier the games that I don't have in the groupings are the ones that I play the most. I honestly don't know why I have so many games when I never play any of them but I just can't seem to delete them. I just keep thinking that someday I will be really really bored and end up wanting to play more then just my regular games, probably won't happen but I want them to be there just in case, ha ha!

I hope you all enjoyed seeing how I have my Ipod set up and all the cool and some not so cool apps that I have. I got all of these off the Itunes app store and 99% of them were free. So if any of them looked interesting to you that is where you can find them! How do you guys have your Ipods, Iphones, or tablets set up? Do any of these apps look familiar? :)

xoxo -kc

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Victoria's Secret, Splash, Zombies, & Deer..

Hi everybody! I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in the past few days but I've been out of town and away from my computer. So if you're wondering about the picture above, that is my dad and his deer he shot, I believe it was 3 years ago. He shot this monster on Christmas Eve and I was lucky enough to be with him when he found it, it was such an awesome moment for all of us. If you're a hunter you will know what I'm talking about :)
Me, my mom, and my sister have all shot deer as well but since my dad shot the biggest I figured I'd show his off!

You're also probably wondering what everything in the title has to do with eachother, ha ha, well first off..this past weekend was the Iowa Deer Classic in Des Moines and I try to go to it every year. It's where everyone can take their deer to show off, their shed antlers, there are vendors you can buy spices, clothes, deer/turkey calls, tree stands, pretty much anything to do with hunting you will find there. So that's where I was this morning into the early afternoon.

 Backup to Saturday when me and Ross drove to Des Moines and met my mom and her two friends and one of their daughters at the mall. We all got manis and pedis, well except for Ross..he went and bought a book from Barnes and Noble and read that while he waited for us, he he! It was so relaxing and I had an awesome time. I will post a picture below of my pretty nails. After getting pampered my mom and her friends went back to the deer classic and me and Ross shopped for a little bit. We went to Aeropoastale first and they were having a "buy one get one free" t-shirt sale so I bought two shirts for me, two for him, and bought him a zip-up hoodie because he lost his last one :(

Red with glitter polish over the top!

 This is the shirt my mom bought for me. the JFD stands for "Just For Does", it's a company that makes clothing, bows, etc. just for woman. So lots of pink! I have shirt I bought from them last year that is black with their logo on the front and the back says, "We hunt like you, only prettier." :)
They also have a "Just for Bucks" line of clothing and other things just for guys. 
Check them out --> Just for Does

 This is one of the shirts I bought at Aero, the other one looks like this but it's white.
 It looks kind of wide in the picture but this is a size medium and it's one of those shirts that is wider on the sides and doesn't quite come down to the top of your pants, like a cutoff. 

My pretty North Face sweatshirt :)

We walked around a little more and wound up in Victoria's Secret where they were having their "buy 5 for $26" underwear sale. So of course I had to get some, ha ha!! We left there before I spent anymore money and went back to the hotel my parents were staying at, but not before driving around for what seemed like hours looking for a parking spot that was $10 to park in. We ended paying only $5 which was the cheapest they had. Me and Ross went to dinner with my parents and another couple that came up to Des Moines with my parents. It was a place called Splash and it was a seafood/grill restaurant and let me tell you it was delicious, expensive..but delicious. I ended up getting a ribeye with mashed sweet potatoes and green beans. We also got oysters and tuna, they were both super yummy and I recommend trying both of them.

So today after going to the deer classic we ended up going back to the mall because I wanted to look for a new purse but I could not find one that I liked anywhere!! I did end up walking out of there with a new North Face sweatshirt though, it's amazingly warm and cozy!

 Sooo..how to zombies fit into this story? Well, downtown Des Moines there is a place called Zombie Burger and Drink Lab, I had never eaten there before but I've heard amazing things about it so we decided we would go there for lunch. It was definitely AMAZING! They have such cool decor, awesome names for everything on their menu, and amazing drinks! Here are just a few examples of the cool names for their food and drinks they serve..
Undead Elvis: Peanut butter, fried bananas, bacon, American cheese, egg, & mayo
T-Virus (What I got): Swiss, grilled portabello mushroom, lettuce, tomato, onion, & mayo
Trailer Trash Zombie (What Ross got): American cheese, fried pickle, chicken fried bacon, fried cheese curds, and ranch
Cinnamon Toast Crunch: Vanilla ice cream, cinnamon toast crunch (if you want it alcoholic they add Rum Chata)
Crunch Berry Shake: Vanilla ice cream, crunch berries (vanilla vodka if you want alcohol)

Do these not sound so fun and awesome? I wanted to try everything, ha ha! So if you're ever in Des Moines Iowa please stop by and try out there amazing burgers and/or drinks.
Here's a link to their site with a full menu --> Zombies!

Sorry this post was so long but I tried to fit in my whole weekend into one post, hope you all enjoyed and please come back for my post! I promise it will be shorter ;)

Happy hunting for your clothes, deer, and even zombies
xoxo -kc