Thursday, February 21, 2013

No One

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Very wise words from a very wise woman. I have been bullied many times in my life and I use to let it get under my skin. There were many times in my life where I was going through a hard time and thought there was no way out, but there is. There are people out there that want to help you and want to see you succeed. I am one of those people. Just like the quote above said, no one can make you feel bad unless you let them. Not long ago, last week actually, a girl who was supposed to be my friend got upset with me and started saying very mean and rude things. Calling me names, calling my boyfriend terrible names, saying my teeth annoyed her and I should get braces, the list goes on and on but I simply told her that I've been made fun of before about my teeth and I didn't change for them so why would she think that just because she thought my teeth were annoying I would change for her? I told her that she just feels bad about herself and she is lashing out at me because of it. I have confidence in myself, maybe not a lot but enough that things she said to me weren't getting under my skin like they would have before. I have stopped talking to her even thought she tried to talk to me and be my friend again. I have no room in my life for people that are just going to bring me down and bash me, and neither do you! You're a amazing people and everyone deserves to be happy. Please don't let what other people think of you change the way you feel about yourself. You are all beautiful people, just how God created you, and if other people can't see past the imperfections then that is there problem and they are never going to find anyone but fake friends because everyone has imperfections! It's what makes us all so wonderful!!

Love and believe in yourself
xoxo -kc

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