Friday, February 7, 2014

Perfect Storm

Happy Friday Everyone!

My life recently has been a whirlwind of craziness. I don't even know where to start this post at because there are so many things I want to say but I'm not quite sure how to say them all while still making everything make sense together.

Let's just start from the beginning. I won't go into too much detail on this one for obvious reasons but where I work can get very hectic. Two weeks ago while I was working, while already stressed may I add, there was a customer that wasn't being the nicest man in the world. After a string of events happened it eventually led him to asking for the manager and calling me a liar and basically saying I suck at my job. All the while another customer was in line behind him and had to witness all of this. My supervisor said she would refund his money but he said no he didn't mind paying and he stormed out of the building. I was literally on the verge of crying because I was so upset. I managed to squeeze out the words I'm sorry to my supervisor without crying. Apparently that wasn't enough because she grumbled and walked off without saying a word. Later that night I walked up to another employee to ask a question and I noticed my supervisor had that man's receipt out and they were whispering to each other. Once they saw I was standing there they did that hush hush thing, you know when the person you're talking about suddenly is standing right by you. Needless to say I did not have a very good night the rest of the time I was there.

I don't want to speak badly about the supervisors there because most of them have been very helpful and nice to me however this one supervisor I swear has it out for me. I really am fed up with it but I know that if I talk to another supervisor that things won't get changed. She will probably treat me worse when she finds out I complained about her. I understand that I should have paid more attention to him and to what I was doing but there was no reason to call me a liar to basically say I suck at my job. I also feel that it was very unprofessional for my supervisor to speak about me and my mishap behind my back. Neither her nor any other supervisor spoke with me about the incident but I feel that if she had to keep the receipt and speak with other employees about it then it should have been brought to my attention first. I'm kind of lost as to what I should do in this situation. I really like the job and the environment but I just can't deal with that much longer. What do you guys think I should do? 

So that's what happened 2 weeks ago and here's what happened this week. Monday evening me and Ross went to leave the school's commuter parking lot and our car was dead. A friend of ours jump started us and we were off and moving again. Tuesday morning I scheduled an appointment to get my hair dyed. We go outside to leave.. dead car again. A girl happened to see we needed a jump and helped us get hooked up to her car. Unfortunately it wasn't charging the battery so we assumed the battery was completely dead and we had to get a new one. So last night Ross' brother-in-law came to Ames and put the new battery in for us (it was dark, negative temperatures, and the batter in a 1993 Lumina is underneath the air filer AND the windshield washer tank. It took them a few hours to do the job. We're so lucky to have great family members.) They got the battery in and the car started up. This morning we went out and started the car just fine. I was going to drop Ross off at his class and head to the salon since I had scheduled another appointment for my hair today since I wasn't able to go on Tuesday. We get to campus and as I'm slowing down for a stop sign the car dies.. I get to the stop sign, put it in park, and try to start it. It turns over like it's trying to start but it doesn't. Meanwhile there is a bus behind us with students trying to get to class. We are on a slight uphill and when I get out and try to push the car with Ross it doesn't budge. A guy comes over and tried to help push it but that doesn't get us very far. Luckily another guy gets off the bus and helps us push the car onto a side street. I don't know who you are but thank you thank you thank you!! 

We try starting a couple more times..nothing! So we call a tow truck. ONE HOUR later and I ride back with him and we bring the car back to the apartment. We still have no idea what's wrong with it but luckily a friend of ours is letting us use his car so we can get back and forth to work and school (did I mention I also had great friends as well.) We usually get the cheap gas (which contains a lot of water) and we haven't put any heet in it recently so we think it might be frozen and isn't able to move through the pipes. We are waiting a couple days and seeing if it works itself out.

So that's where I am in life right now. Stuck, literally and figuratively. I know that if I pray about it I will get answers but if you know me you'll know that I am NOT a patient person. So please, if any of you have ideas as to what could be wrong with our car OR advice about my current job situation please please please let me know.

I'm sorry this post was so long guys. It was more of a rant actually. I promise I will have happier stuff up tomorrow so please keep checking back! Head over and like the Facebook page I have set up for the blog. I always post on there when I have a new post up so you will be notified that way!


  1. Man every one is haveing car trouble ! You , Zack Musgrove And I ! Lol when you started your car did you let it run for a bit .. it could be the connection between the car and the battery .. might be the security too .. but I'm no car expert .. and for your job I would ask your supervisor polity if you could talk to her .. shows your concerned and not running off and "crying to the others " but shows that you wanna learn from what you did and then knowing and talking it out will maybe break that wall between you .. feels like high school and childish games talking behind your back .. show her your the bigger person ! Your a strong young <--- still learning , lady and grown up and should be treated as such ..

  2. I definitely think it's the cold that is making everyone's cars run so badly. A lot of people are having trouble starting their cars. No I we just started it this morning and took off. We went all the way from our apartment to campus without it dying though. Thank you for all your advice Zoe, I really appreciate it :)
