Thursday, February 6, 2014

Oh the places you'll go

As a young person in this day and age we have so many new opportunities that people back in the day didn't have. So why are we not taking this time to live our lives to the fullest and just be happy? I don't know about you guys but I hate school. I hate attending classes, doing homework, and listening to lectures. If I could bypass school and just work and do what I love I would jump on that train and ride it into the sunset. Unfortunately that's not an option so I guess I'm stuck in school for another year. 

That doesn't mean that we should stop living and experiencing new things. The world is so much larger then just the state you live in. We should be taking every chance we get to explore the world, learn new things about this earth we live on, and even learn new things about ourselves. There is a girl I know who traveled to Macau to teach. She left everything and everyone she knew behind and just followed where God was taking her. I've been reading her blog posts religiously and she has learned so much about not only the new cultures and people but also about herself. I'm so jealous of her and what she gets to experience but also so incredibly happy for her that she is taking this time while she's young to explore, learn, and grow.

All of us should be more like this young woman. We don't even have to travel around the world to do it. Just take a road trip for the weekend. Just take off work, pack your bags, and go. You don't have to have a destination, just drive until you find something you love. Trust me, there will always be something new in this world that will amaze you anywhere you go. Instead of going to Florida to party for Spring Break (you can party anywhere, you don't need to spend tons of money to do that) try going somewhere like The Grand Canyon, Mt. Rushmore, or an art museum. I know not everyone enjoys those types of things but that's ok. There is more to life then meets the eye. Sometimes people are so scared to leave what they know and are comfortable with that miss out on amazing things.

It's not just you guys though, I have the same problem. I need to start experiencing life and learning and growing. For Spring Break this year I think I'm going to visit Chicago. I know it's not the greatest place on earth but I want to see their art and museums. I'm in love with those types of things and I really hope I can work myself into a situation that will allow me to go. 

So please, to all you young and even older people for that matter, go out and enjoy life. Whether it's a long trip or short, by car or by plane. It doesn't matter, just get out there and see all the wonders the world has to offer. 


  1. Love this ! I wanna try and take road trips more often seems like I've been a lot lately ! Lol mostly for music ;) Lol FTLOM my motto !

  2. That's a great reason to get out there and explore new places! I wish I had the money to experience those things. However; if I want something bad enough and pray about it I know God will give me the resources.
