Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Healthy Living Update!

So I thought I'd let you all in on what's been going on with my healthy lifestyle changes lately. First off, I haven't been working out nearly enough or as much as I want to be. I've realized that I lack more motivation than previously thought :/

I have been drinking more water though which is definitely a good thing. Not as much as I need to be drinking but better than I use to be. I'll drink at least 2 glasses of water a day compared to drinking none before. I usually squeeze some fresh lemon in it to help taste better because I hate the taste of tap water. I know I need to step up my game and drink more but I feel like you have to start somewhere.

As for eating healthy I've been really trying to. Not drinking as many smoothies as I thought I would be but I believe that's due to my laziness of not wanting to spend the extra time making one. I still feel like I snack way too much even though my snacking recently has been some light yogurt, applesauce, or cottage cheese. It's so hard for me to say no to things and resist the urge to keep eating clean. Especially when no one else in my house is trying to eat healthy or work out. I've been trying to get Ross to do some things with me but he says he'd rather get a gym membership and just workout on the treadmill or something. When we do decide to get memberships I think it'll be a lot better because as of right now I can only do body weight exercises because we don't have any equipment. I would much rather run/walk on the treadmill, use the elliptical, or use the weight machines. They help me mix things up instead of just doing the same old things like sit ups, push ups, planks, squats, etc. I know those things can really help but I need variety!! 

I hope that I can find some kind of motivation soon to get up and start making the change that I've wanted to make for awhile! I know my life will be so much better! I'll have more energy, I'll be able to actually wake up in the morning without feeling like crap, and I'll just have more confidence in myself overall.


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