We've all seen it in movies, the protagonist gets to uni and immediately becomes a social butterfly. Something that they never tell you about however is that very little of your time is spent at parties. I won't lie and say that they don't happen but unlike the movies people do have to make time for their studies or they won't be at uni to party next semester. Unless you attend other un named University's of Iowa ;)
4:The Food on Campus is Surprisingly Good
One thing that people seem to neglect to mention is that the food at most colleges is actually really good. A surprising amount of people come to college expecting the same garbage you are fed throughout grade school but that is just not the case. Colleges understand that people who are attending school are away from home and can't just get fast food. Most universities try and make the food as delicious as they can.They succeed in most cases.
3:High school Experience is Nothing Like College
Throughout high school your teachers tell you that they are preparing you for college. They are lying through their teeth and they know it. In reality when you leave high school you are about as prepared for college as a third grader is to tackle calculus. In schools now a days you can slide by with very little effort and do very very well, trust me I did it. The problem with that is that when you get to college you don't know what to expect. This not knowing can really harm your performance in your courses.
2:Time Management is Everything
They will tell you that you need to know this and you need to know that, but don't listen to them. Everything you need to know they will teach you in college. What you really need to know is how to balance your time between activities. The thing that kills most students is being unable to divide their time up between all of their work. You have to be able to give your work time, and also make time for fun and other things. This is something I've had to learn through trial and error, mostly error.
You may hear that college is difficult but it's not. It is god damn torture. Colleges exist to train you for an occupation apparently no one told them however that not all jobs are rocket science. The difficulty level between high school and college or even a community college and a university is ludicrous. I was so unprepared for the difficulty gap that I'm lucky to even still be here. Even right now I'm thinking about how to pass my next test. Iowa State university has a graduation rate in the sixty percent range because of the level of their classes. If I could re do high school I would tell the school just where they could put their diploma because it has done me no legitimate good.